Day 18: Bandhas.

The word bandha means 'to hold', 'tighten' or 'lock' a specific part on the physical body. These are very important group of yogic practices. They have profound effects on the physical, pranic and mental levels.  Organs, muscles, nerves and various processes in the body are massaged and stimulated while the contraction/lock also affects the flow of prana within the body. Surprisingly, performing the bandhas contributes to the removal of mental blocks which hinder an individual from evolving.

Jalandhara Bandha  

Contraindications:  Not recommended for those suffering from high blood pressure and heart ailments.
  •  Sit in a comfortable position with knees in contact with the floor
  •  Place your palms on your knees
  •  Exhale deeply, and hold the breath.
  •  Bring the chin in contact with your chest, and straighten your arms. Stay in this position for as long as you can comfortably hold your breath.
  • Then, release the lock and inhale.
  • Do not strain under any circumstances.
  • 5 rounds will be sufficient for beginners.
  • Massages the thyroid glands and helps regulate hormone secretion for development and maintenance.
  • Increases lung capacity, enabling a person to hold the breath longer.
  • Pressure on the carotid sinuses slows down the heart and brings mental relaxation. Great help in meditational practices.

Uddiyana Bandha

Contraindications: Not recommended for those suffering from high blood pressure, heart problems,peptic/duodenal ulcers,colitis and serious abdominal problems. Women should not practice during menses and pregnancy.
  • Stomach must be empty before practice or wait for 4 to 5 hours after a meal.
  • Sit in a meditational asana with palms on your knees.
  •  Exhale deeply (lungs emptied completely) and contract the abdominal muscles while the palms are pressing firmly against the knees.
  •  Do Jalandhara bandha.
  •  Hold the position for as long as you can comfortably hold your breath.
  •  Release the locks without straining and inhale slowly.
  •  Repeat 4 to 5 rounds.
  • Contraction of the abdomen pushes out the stagnant blood and revitalizes all organs at this region.
  • Prevents indigestion, constipation, diabetes, colitis and abdominal ailments.

Moola Bandha

Contraindications: Not recommended for those suffering from high blood pressure and heart ailments. Women should not practice during menses and pregnancy.
Place of Contraction
  • Male: In the perineum, between the anus and sexual organ
  • Female: At the cervix.

Sitting position
  • Male: Siddhasana
  • Female: Siddha yoni asana

  • Sit comfortably with palms pressing against the knees.
  • Exhale deeply,perform jalandhara bandha and perform the contraction at the mentioned area.
  • Hold the contraction for as long as you can. Be fully aware of the contraction.  
  • Then, release the contraction, release jalandhara bandha and inhale.

  • Similar benefits as mentioned for Jalandhara bandha.
  • Improves blood circulation to the reproductive organs and removes problems related to reproductive system.
  • Helps awaken the mooladhara chakra.

*Reference:Yoga & Kriya by Swami Satyananda Saraswati


After falling sick, recuperating and getting my brain back to its form, I'm catching up with my challenge photo updates. Finally, I am ready to get back on my blogging cycle since we only have another 13 days left before January ends. I think the photos are pretty self explanatory. Overall, I had a bittersweet week. Hoping for a better one tomorrow.



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