New Month, New Hope.

Where did the time go? It's June already? Oh well, time waits for nobody, right! Honestly, May was extremely overwhelming and devastating. Too much love and affection can lead to severe heartache. A blatant truth, but I still chose to give my all. It's in a woman's DNA. At the same time, it's impossible to express love with limits and control. When it comes to the matter of the heart, complications are inevitable. If I could buy the gift of patience and acceptance for this person, I believe time will heal all wounds. I tried hard and wholeheartedly, fate just wasn't on my side. My best friend once told me, people come and go into our lives, some stay longer because they haven't completed their purpose in our life, and some people leave halfway because they have completed their purpose of the presence. I would like to share how I convinced myself to stop going through misery and pain. I don't know if I should say this out, but the extreme frustration and depression led to mild epilepsy attacks and a suicide attempt. What I realized in the end was, I was suffering for one insensitive and ignorant person but more than one person were trying hard to help me survive through. Today, I choose to live for people who are worth my attention, love, care and effort. As I have said before, forgiving and forgetting is the best gift anyone can give themself rather than the person you are forgiving. Going forward, I am just surrendering myself to time. Let's see what time holds for me. I wish all of you peace and happiness. Be kind to one another.



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