Bye-bye June!

I remember posting New Month, New Hope at the beginning of June and today, we wave bye-bye to June. What happened in between, everything seems blurry. I had my ups and downs throughout the month of June, but no regrets or whatsoever. Before I start yapping off topic, let me share with you some of my June highlights and some not so fun-lights. HIGHLIGHTS..... 1. Summer Splits 2014 Challenge was so much fun. Then, I became ill and fell off the bandwagon. *sigh* 2. I'm done! Yes! Completed my Yoga Instructors Course! Advance level was gruesome but worth the time and effort! Graduation here I come! 3. Embracing friendships everyday. 4. Diligently practicing for the competition in August. This is way tougher than I imagined. But, I am seeing improvement in my flexibility, strength and stamina. Yippee!! 5. Apparently, I have lost weight according to those around me. That's a good news. 6. Getting super busy by the day but I am not complaining. 7. As though I...