Let's Take Up the Challenge!

 This image has been going viral since May. Thanks to Kino Macgregor for coming up with such a fantabulous idea. I challenged myself to take up the challenge for the whole month of June. I think everybody should give it a shot even if you are not a yoga practitioner. Just for the fun of it. Every time I mess up a pose, I end up laughing at myself. Just like Kino said, yoga has taught us to laugh at ourselves. At the end of the month, let's see how many poses we have mastered. I have already done 1 and 2 today. At a glance I can surely say that 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 19 and 23 are possible. Piece of cake. Best of luck to all you who are taking up the challenge. Don't forget to share your masterpiece using the #summersplits2014.
Happy Summer!



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