Feels like the year just began but we are already at the last day of March. That was fast. Either time moves too fast or too slow, we still complain about it. Humans are so indecisive with what they really want. You want time to move when you want it to move?? Anyway, lets get on. I've seen bloggers and vloggers doing monthly favorites post. I thought for a change I want to share my monthly highlights and lowlights of my life. I have tried to be consistent with writing a daily journal before but it's a serious commitment which to be honest, is quite tough to keep up. Well, of course I'm not going to write a journal on my blog everyday. Instead, I want to share some interesting and the not so interesting moments of my life in a month. This way I hope to be more at present with my life and be more attentive about little details that happen in my life. Hoping to have more highlights compared to lowlights every month. Life is always about looking at the brighter side, right? ...