Your WHY power.

In recent times, my practice is revealing new perspectives. After July 2015, I would say my growth hit a plateau. I was struggling to keep a focused mind and my body was no longer cooperating with me. I was slacking in strength and I was distracted. Trying to teach amidst this was chaos was too difficult and I made many mistakes. I would say, you have to hit rock bottom to rise. The past two years was a real eye opening phase of my life and I believe it was to teach me or rather show me what are my REAL priorities as an individual. I also had some teachers, books and many spiritual videos that lead me to discover a new self and purpose. 
Now, these are my life mantra. 

1) Health over physical appearance should be your real goal.  

2) I choose yoga as a lifestyle and not an exercise regime. Move and move more. 

3) The kind of food you consume determines your physique, energy level, productivity, mental and emotional well being.

4) Water and rest!

5) Listen to the voice. The one that tells you "Uhmm I'm not sure". 


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