Oh backbends!

As fabulous as all the bendy, twisty and inverted yoga pictures look, I can guarantee it took ridiculous amount of practice to get there. It's always worth it. Dedication and discipline does reward you, not just physically but mentally as well. I always encourage my students to add another day or two of self practice besides the once a week yoga class. Okay, I'm steering off topic. Let me tell you about my struggles with backbends. Not that I want to rant, but those crazy poses are so hard that I avoid it.  My upper back is as tight as a jam jar. Haha! 6 weeks ago I signed up for a yoga workshop called the 'Hatha Awakening Series' by Yogatara. I highly recommend it. Being a student after a long time has really changed my outlook on yoga pratice. I really owe it to the teacher. She is so grounded and inspirational. With her guidance, I am practicing more frequently and here begins my journey to discover those tough backbends. This picture shows my first attempt today. I have one month of less busy schedule to focus on my practice, this will be a good opportunity to see some progress. Have you got on your mat? 1 hour, 30 minutes or even 10 minutes, do yourself a favor and practice. Your body and mind deserves health and happiness. 
'The pose begins when you want to leave it' - BKS Iyengar.


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