It's been awhile...

The Path
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I haven't posted anything for over a year and a half. I had to take a minute to pause and process that thought. Here I am, a little over 21 months later, lost my voice, sick for over 6 days and feeling really beaten up by everything life throws at me. Trying this one more time. I am not fond of looking back in time unless it is a happy memory. I realized people forget and they forget to tell the truth. Oh well, late 20s kinda sucks. It literally sucks everything out of you and nobody warned me about this. Although, I haven't figured out a solution for all my crisis, I believe good things are yet to unfold.

I did discover my strengths and weaknesses during this course. I had to experiment various techniques to find temporary fixes. Ermm, my yoga practices were kind of choppy. To my surprise, I can effortlessly do a handstand now compared to 3 years ago. I had to take up a job and change a several and settle at one place where I thought will be conducive, just to discover later, it's a mess again. Oh boy! I am still figuring what my heart truly desires and what is my REAL role in this existence. I will keep swimming!



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